Episode 61: Hanami of Yarn

All links to Ravelry are labelled as such. I try to include links to outside websites as much as possible. At this time, I am not including links for purchasing yarns, needles, etc. If I do, they will also be appropriately labelled. As a quick reminder: I am not affiliated with any businesses. If you’dContinue reading “Episode 61: Hanami of Yarn”

Episode 53: The Two-Year Sweater

All links to Ravelry are labelled as such. I try to include links to outside websites as much as possible. At this time, I am not including links for purchasing yarns, needles, etc. If I do, they will also be appropriately labelled. As a quick reminder: I am not affiliated with any businesses. If you’dContinue reading “Episode 53: The Two-Year Sweater”

Episode 50: A Kickass Family Showdown Part 2

All links to Ravelry are labelled as such. I try to include links to outside websites as much as possible. At this time, I am not including links for purchasing yarns, needles, etc. If I do, they will also be appropriately labelled. As a quick reminder: I am not affiliated with any businesses. If you’dContinue reading “Episode 50: A Kickass Family Showdown Part 2”

Episode 14: It’s Baaaaaack!

All links to Ravelry are labelled as such. I try to include links to outside websites as much as possible. At this time, I am not including links for purchasing yarns, needles, etc. If I do, they will also be appropriately labelled. As a quick reminder: I am not affiliated with any businesses. If you’dContinue reading “Episode 14: It’s Baaaaaack!”

Episode 13: Commitments

All links to Ravelry are labelled as such. I try to include links to outside websites as much as possible. At this time, I am not including links for purchasing yarns, needles, etc. If I do, they will also be appropriately labelled. As a quick reminder: I am not affiliated with any businesses. If you’dContinue reading “Episode 13: Commitments”

Episode 8: Only Playing With String

All links to Ravelry are labelled as such. I try to include links to outside websites as much as possible. At this time, I am not including links for purchasing yarns, needles, etc. If I do, they will also be appropriately labelled. As a quick reminder: I am not affiliated with any businesses. If you’dContinue reading “Episode 8: Only Playing With String”

Episode 4: Making an Ass of Myself

Introduction – 00:40 New discussion topic in the Ravelry group: Mechanics (ravelry link). Anything feedback you’d like to leave, that is the best place. Remember, your motorcycle won’t stop making the weird little noise, if you don’t tell anyone that there’s something wrong. It’s me. I am the motorcycle. Please let me know if IContinue reading “Episode 4: Making an Ass of Myself”