Episode 3: Socks! Socks! Socks! Socks!Socks! Socks! Everybody!

Introduction – 00:25

At the time of recording, there have been 16 downloads of Episode 1! I am both astounded and blown away! Thank you all very much. At Audio-Man’s instance, the recording schedule has been tweaked, so that the new episode will now be recorded as the previous episode is launched.

Major craft related activity of 2021: Mom’s craft room. It took two weeks, but we did it. Everybody give her a hand.

Fashionably Riding – 04:49

I have been fashionably riding through life in the Caledon Fall Sweater (ravelry link), made from a yarn lost to time and space. I also discovered a hole in one of the fingers of my Cable Detail Gloves (ravelry link) made from Patons Classic Wool in Heather Jade (ravely link). I made these gloves while in university, and they are the best. Kept my hands warm whilst directing traffic outdoors in a polar vortex.

Mom’s Yarn Stash: omg – 06:25

Ongoing Projects – 06:50

Swatches 13 and 14 for TKGA Master Hand Knitting program are complete but not yet on the blocking board. There will be a slight pause in swatch making, because the next several require additional planning.

Toe-box decreases of the Rêveur socks (ravelry link) have begun, were finished, and the socks are now complete.

Continuing the tradition of making my husband a new sweater every year, I have cast on The Vest (ravelry link). The pattern is called Schmidt (ravelry link) by David Castillo (ravelry link), and was first published in GoGoDavitron in 2010. I am using handspun Jacob wool, Shepherd’s Wool (ravelry link) in Hunter Green by Stonehenge Fiber Mill, and Pure Wool Entwine 8 ply (ravelry link) in the color #31 by 4 Seasons.

Broke Crafters of Central Maryland: Please. Think of the Crafters – 11:48

B.C.o.C.M is NOT a real charity. B.C.o.C.M. is NOT a real business. Pledges made at patreon.com/2WheelsPodcast go solely to support Spinning on 2 Wheels and its creators.

Stalled – 12:34

Staggered toe decreases on the Rêveur socks proved difficult and had to be restarted a couple times.

First cast on of The Vest was unsuccessful and ten stitches too small.

Dropped Bike – 14:43

The Vest was originally to be a Cable V-Neck Pullover (ravelry link), but I did not realize how much yarn the pattern called for. Because I didn’t check. I am determined to use this hand spun jacob, and I can’t make anymore.

Editor Peggy Note: In the episode, I quoted the amount of yarn called for in the pattern as ‘2000 yards of yarn’. This was due to a massive error in calculations, caught and corrected by Audio-Man. The pattern calls for 13 oz of a discontinued yarn. I thought the pattern called for 13 skeins. This means that the pattern required roughly 850 yards of yarn. Still more than I have. Chalk this one up to vintage patterns being vintage.

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