Episode 56: Sweater Obsessed

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Life on the Road Update – 02:34

Thank you everyone who reached out after last episode. Your kindness knows no limits.

Deathwish Coffee: Not a sponsor, Just a need – 05:20

Open Throttle – 05:33

The ‘2024 Sweater‘ (ravelry link) for Mr. Kickass is the Dizen Sweater by Moira Engel in Miss Babs ‘Yowza’ in the colorway “River Severn”. It has been the sole knitting in my hands. My purpose. My obsession.

Close up of the cable designs! So pretty!
The sleeves. Each ortho band on the left marks the placement of a short-row turn.

Stalled – 10:54

The ‘2024 Sweater’ has also been my problem. Although, it seems more accurate to say that my hubris has been the source of all my problems. If I had paid attention to knitting wisdom of the ages by alternating hand dyed skeins of yarn and reading all of the instructions in a pattern, this entire section could have been avoided.

My hubris in action. Even Mr. Kickass noticed immediately.

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